5 Key Tips for Dressing Well: 2020 Men’s Edition

5 Key Tips for Dressing Well: 2020 Men’s Edition

Dressing well is never out of style, even in the face of an earth-shattering pandemic. Indeed, given the current situation, your significant other of the male sex might have a little extra catching up to do in the apparel department.

In that spirit, below are 5 key tips for dressing well in 2020, men’s edition:

1. Emo Style

Or, rather, emo, but chic. Contrary to popular opinion, dressing well in emo chic doesn’t mean not doing grungy, or hiding flaws. On the contrary, it’s about tempering how much you show them. Throw on that tattered jacket, dust off used boots. Feel free to leave hair uncombed, but make sure it’s washed. Avoid head-to-toe black, but match hues. Go for variety, especially with shirt choice and pants.

2. Fine Dining

In today’s society, a tie is a little excessive, unless it’s a business function. A black jacket, button-down white shirt, and black shoes, however, are never too traditional.

3. Getting the Girl

You want something non-threatening, but, at the same time, authentically representational. Utilizing variety tips in (1), there are only several not-to-dos in this category — no logos, no over-revealing socks, and no button-downs of any kind.

4. Job Interview

The job interview scene today is not that of yesterday. While it never hurts to wear your best suit and tie, depending on the position being entirely traditional, it may work against you. The vast majority of businesses being started today are by Millennials, many of whom have originated their concepts from mom’s basement. You need to be professional, but not unrelatable to your new boss. Collared shirts and fine pants,  but not necessarily a nine-to-five corporate outfit. Picture an amped-up version of what you’ll wear at a low-key function on your first day.

5. Your First Night, New Place

Again, it’s all about temperance. If it’s a town, you’ll want an individually-tailored version of (1). If it’s a city, you’ll want something that’s a slightly dampened version of the latter example in (4). The idea is to be able to catch a stranger’s eye, but in a sense that will compliment the immediacy of your environment. Too much might lead to an interaction behind the local Walmart. Too little might lead to every woman warning their significant other of what you represent.

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