Château d’Yquem

Discover the Enchantment of Château d’Yquem: A Journey into the World’s Most Exquisite Sweet Wine

Immerse yourself in the captivating legacy of Château d’Yquem, a wine that has delighted distinguished palates throughout history. From esteemed figures like George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, this French masterpiece has made an indelible mark on the realm of fine wines. Once under the ownership of the King of England, triumphantly claimed by Charles VII of France, Château d’Yquem stands as the unparalleled sweet wine of extraordinary distinction.
Immerse yourself in the captivating legacy of Château d’Yquem, a wine that has delighted distinguished palates throughout history. From esteemed figures like George Washington to Thomas Jefferson, this French masterpiece has made an indelible mark on the realm of fine wines. Once under the ownership of the King of England, triumphantly claimed by Charles VII of France, Château d’Yquem stands as the unparalleled sweet wine of extraordinary distinction.
In a twist of fate, the management of this legendary French estate now rests in the hands of an Italian. Lorenzo Pasquini, the Estate Manager, brings a wealth of experience and a touch of poetry to his role. With origins in a small family vineyard in the South of Tuscany, Pasquini refined his craft through oenology studies in Bordeaux and wine crafting at Cheval des Andes in Argentina. With boundless energy and unwavering enthusiasm, he is dedicated to preserving Yquem’s essence while enhancing its aromatic expression and crystalline character.
At the core of Yquem’s allure lies the remarkable process of noble rot, or botrytis cinerea. This natural phenomenon delicately pierces grape skins, allowing water to evaporate and intensifying sugar content while maintaining essential acidity. The misty fog enveloping the Sauternes vineyards provides the ideal conditions for botrytis to thrive, creating a sweet elixir that harmonizes perfectly with a diverse range of culinary creations.
Under Pasquini’s visionary leadership, Yquem embarks on a culinary odyssey to exhibit its versatility. The introduction of the Lighthouse Program has united the world’s foremost restaurants, committed to serving the latest vintage by the glass and pairing it with imaginative gastronomic delights.
The Lighthouse Program showcases Yquem’s ability to complement every meal stage. At Manhattan’s Sushi Nakazawa, the wine dances alongside succulent fatty tuna in the chef’s omakase menu. Chicago’s RPM Steak finds the perfect match for Yquem in Japanese wagyu olive beef, while Spago in Beverly Hills elevates the experience with a “cannoli” of Black Pearl Kaluga Caviar. Across Europe, China, and the United Arab Emirates, restaurants celebrate Yquem’s diversity by pairing it with everything from oysters to Peking Duck.
Pasquini declares passionately, “We are returning to the roots of Sauternes, where these wines graced tables throughout entire meals, not just desserts. We want diners to rediscover the endless possibilities of Sauternes when paired with food.”
Unveiling the 2020 release of Château d’Yquem ($200), prepare to be enticed by a symphony of tropical fruit aromas intertwined with hints of coconut, lanolin, tangerine zest, and caramel. On the palate, experience full-bodied elegance with honey, pineapple, and peach flavors framed by new oak’s embrace. The grand finale features a robust and opulent finish buoyed by an enduring acidity promising a journey of pleasure.
Embark on an extraordinary sensory voyage with Château d’Yquem, where every sip narrates a tale and each moment becomes a cherished memory. Through the Lighthouse Program, discover this extraordinary elixir at least once in a lifetime and savor its timeless allure.

Image Credits:
Château d’Yquem
Le Coucou NY (C) Francesco Sapienza
Château d’Yquem ©G.Uféras
Sheng Yong Xing
